Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Green Coffee Bean Extract 30 Day Challenge, Day 2

We researched the highest quality product to bring to the market. Not all Green Coffee Bean Extract products are created equally.  There are many impure, cheap blends in the marketplace that DO NOT WORK.  We selected a product with Svetol because this is the purest version of Green Coffee Bean Extracts.  We also wanted a product with 50% Chlorogenic Acids since these are believed to provide the sugar-lowering effects of green coffee extract.  We found both with Elete Nutrition's Svetol®Green Coffee Bean Extract with 50% Cholorgenic Acids.

One of our founders began a Green Coffee Bean Extract 30 Day Challenge on Sunday, September 29, 2013.  We are following his journey.

Our founder had a few positive experiences on Day 1 using Elete Nutrition's Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract with 50% Chlorogenic Acids.

He usually gets hungry around 11 to 11:30 each day. He is usually STARVING when gets out of his 11am Sunday church service at noon to 12:30.  This time, he wasn't STARVING.  He was hungry and knew he should eat but was just slightly hungry.

He tried following the South Beach Diet more strictly.  In the past, he has been CONSTANTLY hungry for the first two days, eats string cheese and peanuts continually to satisfy his cravings.  This time, he wasn't CONSTANTLY hungry and was only slightly hungry at meal time.

At night time from 8pm - 10pm, he normally gets CRAVINGS for desserts or carbohydrates.  This time, no CRAVINGS and, therefore, no eating desserts or carbohydrates.

He concluded that this may be the perfect complement to the South Beach Diet since the first 48 hour cravings are so SEVERE.  Even if he didn't take Green Coffee Bean Extract for 30 days and only used for the first 2 or 3 days, it would have been worth the $20 to $30 to have started the South Beach Diet without the first 48 hour cravings.

The South Beach Diet on Phase 1 is about resetting your body's clock, which is really resetting your blood sugar level, so you don't have highs and lows and then have reduced cravings.  The Atkins Diet and The Dukan Diet also have a similar process for their first 48 hours.

He suspects Green Coffee Bean Extract would have helped his chance for success with The South Beach Diet's Phase 2, which is when he started introducing foods with hearty carbohydrates.  It would have been easier to get back on track after having too many carbohydrates.  Often it can be very difficult to avoid extra carbohydrates during holidays or at times when you can't control your eating options as easily.  It isn't very appealing to go back to Phase 1 because you remember those CRAVINGS from the first 48 hours and don't want to repeat the process.  Elete Nutrition's Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract with 50% Chlorogenic Acids is the perfect product to remove those cravings so he wouldn't have the fear of going back to Phase 1.  It was the CRAVINGS that held him back from repeating Phase 1.

Thank you for following his journey.  Please continue to check back for further postings.

We hope you join us as we follow his journey and results.  You can root him on at our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ggmarketplace where we also provide special Facebook promotions for our products.

We hope you find time to giggle today.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Green Coffee Bean Extract 30 Day Challenge

We researched carefully selected the highest quality product to bring to the market because not all Green Coffee Bean Extract products are created equally.  There are many impure, cheap blends in the marketplace that DO NOT WORK.  We selected a product with Svetol because this is the purest version of Green Coffee Bean Extracts.  We also wanted a product with 50% Chlorogenic Acids since these are believed to provide the sugar-lowering effects of green coffee extract.  We found both with Elete Nutrition's Svetol® Green Coffee Bean Extract with 50% Cholorgenic Acids.

This is the same incredible Svetol® Green Coffee Bean Extract as mentioned on a popular doctor TV show.  It is the HIGHEST QUALITY Form Svetol® Green Coffee Bean Extract with 50% Chlorogenic Acids Available (NOT diluted with Generic Coffee extracts).

In a clinical trial with this exact ingredient, participants lost an average of 11 lbs. in 60 days and improved lean mass to fat mass ratio of 4%.  It is an all natural weight loss supplement clinically proven to lower blood sugar levels and burn fat.

The weight-loss and improved lean mass results mentioned are based on clinical trials performed for this exact ingredient.

Today, one of our founders is starting a 30 day challenge to lose weight fast.  He is in his early 40's and has been battling weight his whole life.  He has been active on and off over the years and played many sports when he was in his teens and twenties but the weight has always been there.  According to the Body Mass Index, he is obese.  He feels he is overweight but doesn't like the term obese.  He has been able to slim down in the past using the South Beach Diet but has to follow it to the T with very few exceptions on Stage 2 of the diet.

He understands the effect this weight has on his health, lifespan, and enjoyment so he wants to make a change.

Up until now, he has believed that you should get to a healthy weight by eating the right foods and exercising.  The problem is that our bodies don't always agree.  Even with eating healthy and a regular fitness program, he has remained obese.  He has reached the conclusion that he needs extra help and for around $20 - $30 dollars a month or $1 or less a day, it seems silly to work so hard and not get the extra help.

We hope you join us as we follow his journey and results.  You can root him on at our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ggmarketplace where we also provide special Facebook promotions for our products.

We hope you find time to giggle today.